Good Advice

Things to thinks about when booking a car ..........

Important note

Viewing of the vehicles is highly recommended. You will then be able to see for yourself the quality of our vehicle's paint and body work, interior seating, carpets etc. We have  heard customers comment how some companies cars have interiors with moth eaten looking seats, covered with a cloth and thread bare carpets, together with paint looking like sandpaper !!!!!    how disappointed would you be if you booked a car from  a photo thinking it was pristine and a car like above turned up !



 You need to hire a reliable and professional company for your transport.... The best way to do this is to ask for testimonials of good service and where possible get the company to show you letters of recommendation 

The cheapest may not always be the best.......The last thing you want on your wedding day is a timeworn, under maintained car that looks tired and scruffy. Always view the actual car that will turn up for you on the day and get this confirmed in writing. Most vintage car owners ‘like us’ are also enthusiasts and will be proud to show you their cars and share in the history.
We would welcome the opportunity to show you our cars by appointment.

Know what you are hiring....... If you want to hire a vintage car make sure you are hiring the real thing! Be careful of cars being advertised as 1920’s or 30’s style. This means they are not vintage, but are just replicas of that era. Of course there are some that want to hire a replica. A genuine vintage car will look, drive, sound and feel very different on the road from a replica.
We only hire the real thing!

No one wants a disaster on their wedding day...... Ask the hire company or car owner for their disaster recovery plan – e.g. what would they do in event of breakdown on or before the day? Would they have a comparable car available? How long would it take to organise?
If asked we can supply this in writing.

If you are hiring only one wedding car......  If you are looking to use the wedding car to have the Bridesmaids and Brides Mother taken to the ceremony before the Bride - check this is included in the price.
This is included in the cost we quote you.
 Only the best wedding car companies will talk through your transport requirements for the day (in detail) and then submit a signed schedule for you to approve. If they don’t offer this service as standard – then ask for a specifically written service schedule and tell the company what you expect to be included in the hire price beforehand. We love to meet and talk our clients before their big day

Are you insured? ..... Although you hope everything to go well on your special day - things do go wrong. Make sure the hire company has its vehicle/s covered for weddings and that you are insured while travelling in the car against personal injury. Ask for a copy or to be shown the insurance certificate.

How long is the hire for?..... Some companies will charge you the same for 2-3 hours as some will charge for 5-7 hours.  Normally companies that offer a 2-3 hour hire will be undertaking more than one wedding on your day of hire. Ask the question – will the car be attending other
weddings on your day of hire? The best option is to find a company that has the style of car you require, only book one wedding a day and can offer you the right price. This way you can be sure:
a) The car will be clean and prepared for you and no-one else.
b) The car will not be late on arrival
c) You are not pressed for time and can relax with the car for photos at any time during the hire
d) You will feel special and not like part of a production line
If needed our hire is for 7 hours
Note: The best wedding car companies will arrive at your pick-up address at the very least 15 minutes before the first occupants need to leave for the ceremony - or earlier if requested by you - at no extra cost. This gives you piece of mind the car has turned up and is waiting and gives ample time for your photographer to catch the moment you leave for the ceomony with your escort.
We will arrive 30-15 minutes before.

Can you get into the wedding car..... Can you get into the car and sit down without creasing your gown? If you have a full gown the best vehicles for access are usually certain types of vintage or historic vehicles with 4 doors. These kinds of vehicles, like ours, have very good access, many have foot plates or running boards which aid entry into the car and space in some types of tourer is ample. A good reason to view the car first.
Our car will take the fullest of gowns – please visit and see!
Note: watch out for protruding door catches on the bodywork that can tear or soil a gown with grease or oil. These should be covered before you enter or leave the car with the gloved hand of the Chauffeur

If you choose a modern or replica car....  Cars manufactured post 1965 (inc replicas) must have seatbelts fitted and the law states all occupants must wear seatbelts. If however the car you are hiring was manufactured pre 1965 and is without seatbelts, the law allows the occupants of the vehicle not to wear seatbelts due to an age exemption law. This is worth bearing in mind when booking a car.
From the Bride's prospective not wearing a seatbelt may ensure the gown does not become creased or dirty.

Our vehicles were not designed with seatbelts and as we like to keep the car original and true to the year of manufacture none have been added.
Finial Note:
The Best Wedding Car Company - understand that you will spend a great deal of time and effort making sure everything is just right for your day – we believe that you should expect the same of your wedding car hire company and except nothing less.
Our services and absolute attention to detail always exceed expectation.

About Yesteryear Cars

Established in 1996 we believe we are the only full time company in West Yorkshire who only operate classic wedding buses, Vintage wedding coaches and heritage cars, Yesteryear is not a secondary business to the hiring out of modern vehicles, like many others do.

Vintage, classic and heritage wedding buses and cars, such as Rolls Royce, Daimler, Morris, Austin, Jaguar, Studebaker, Dodge, and Riley to transport you to your function in style and should you require something a little bit different we also have a large selection of genuine vintage, classic and heritage buses and wedding coaches as well.

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Get In Touch

Classic vehicles of Yesteryear Yorkshire
Meadow view, Myrtle Drive
Cross roads.
West Yorkshire
BD22 9AE

Telephone: 01274 420444
Mobile: 07954301454

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